Five Fascinating Facts About Hay Fever You Should Know

Have you ever been outside on a warm summer day, like in your yard or a nearby park, and heard a lot of people sneezing? Have you ever thought about why more people sneeze in the summer? There are many reasons for drier air, but for at least 75% of Americans, the main reason is hay fever.

If you have seasonal allergies that get worse in the summer, you might want to stay inside as much as possible to avoid all that annoying pollen. But this may not be the best way to treat hay fever, and if you have it, you should learn more about it.

So, here are five interesting things you should know about hay fever.

There are many kinds.

Hay fever is a general term for any problem caused by pollen in the air. So, you probably have hayfever if you sneeze when you are in a field of flowers.

But instead of having different kinds of allergies, there are different things that can make someone’s symptoms worse. There are allergies to pollen from grass, trees, and weeds, among other things.

If you get hay fever in early spring, it’s because of the trees. If it gets worse in the summer, it’s probably grass pollen. If it lasts until early fall, it’s probably weed pollen. In either case, fexofenadine 120mg at can treat or help with all of these.

There is something to do with genes.

If, for example, your mother, grandma, and older brother all have hay fever, it’s more likely that you will too. Also, if you have hayfever and have kids, they are more likely to get it as adults if you do.

Not only that, but having hay fever makes you more likely to have other allergies as well.

Some countries have a higher rate of it.

There are interesting differences in how common hay fever is around the world. For example, more people in the UK are allergic to grass pollen and tree pollen per 100 people. In the US, there is less grass pollen and tree pollen, so there are fewer people with hayfever per 100. In Austria, more people have allergies to pollen from weeds than in other places.

It doesn’t happen often on its own.

As we’ve already said, hay fever doesn’t usually happen by itself and is linked to a higher rate of allergies in general.

But people who study hay fever have found that it is linked to asthma and eczema. All of these conditions fall under the category of atopy allergies. If you have asthma, you are more likely to get eczema and hayfever.

Even the pollen isn’t the cause.

Your neighbor’s flowers are making your nose run and your throat itch. It’s interesting that it’s not the pollen that’s making you sick, but you. Histamines cause the symptoms of hay fever. They are made by the body when it feels threatened and tries to get rid of the threat by sneezing and coughing, just like when you have a cold. So, antihistamines are the best way to treat allergies caused by pollen.

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